Commission de la sécurité publique

The Commission de la sécurité publique looks at all issues related to public security, in particular those relate to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM), the Service de sécurité incendie de Montréal (SIM) and emergency management. Learn more about this standing committee.


The mandate of the Commission de la sécurité publique is to monitor and study all questions related to its responsibilities. If it determines it to be appropriate, the standing committee receives input from anyone on public security issues to inform the decision-making of elected officials who sit on the agglomeration council, including on the following issues:

  • fire safety
  • 9-1-1 emergency call centres
  • emergency measures and action plans for flooding, heat waves or flu pandemics
  • annual reports as well as the actions plans and policies of the SPVM and the SIM

See issues (in French) that this committee handles.

Visit our YouTube account to watch archived videos (in French) of issues examined by the Commission de la sécurité publique.