Sports and Recreation Calendar
Have fun with your family or friends at activities offered across the city. Workshops, games, fitness sessions... find out what to do indoors or outdoors.

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173 results
- Dance Workshops for SeniorsPierrefonds library
- Hiroshige and the Japanese landscape. His influence on Monet, Degas and Van GoghPierrefonds library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Chess WorkshopsPostponedPierrefonds library
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Active MindsPierrefonds library
- Active MindsPierrefonds library
- Teens and drug use - A workshop for parentsBibliothèque Benny
- Arts ClubPierrefonds library
- Teen vidéo gamesCancelledBenny Fab
- Afternoon Video GamesPierrefonds library
- Create your own percussion instrument workshopBibliothèque Benny
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubPierrefonds library
- Heure de conte et jeux de sociétéBibliothèque Benny
- 3D ManiaBenny Fab
- Emotional regulationPierrefonds library
- Libraries : Full STEAM aheadWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Créer une vidéo avec l’IABenny Fab
- Poetry bookmark workshopPierrefonds library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Adult Ukulele ClubBibliothèque Benny
- Ice in the ice chestPierrefonds library
- Chair YogaWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Atelier de dessin avec modèle vivantBenny Fab
- Writing workshopPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Authentic Mexico: pyramids, beaches and cultural passion – far from the all-inclusive resortsPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Finding a job and writing a CVPierrefonds library
- Afternoon Video GamesPierrefonds library
- Land art workshop : Fairy houseBibliothèque Benny
- Biblio-jeux: a fun story and games for language stimulationPierrefonds library
- 3D ManiaBenny Fab
- Creative writing workshop - AdultsBibliothèque Benny
- Baking workshop: choux pastryFullCollège Beaubois
- Creative Writing Workshop for KidsBibliothèque Benny
- Libraries : Full STEAM aheadPierrefonds library
- Jewelry creation workshopPierrefonds library
- Dance Workshops for SeniorsPierrefonds library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Adult Ukulele ClubBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Les mots partagésPierrefonds library
- Chair YogaPierrefonds library
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Active MindsPostponedPierrefonds library
- Seed starting workshopBibliothèque Benny
- Roxboro English Book ClubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Renaturalize your garden: garden tour and practical workshopPierrefonds library
- Wool pack : Yarn art clubPierrefonds library
- Afternoon Video GamesPierrefonds library
- Jeux de motsBibliothèque Benny
- Women's Leadership in Pierrefonds-RoxboroGerry-Robertson community centre
- Danse créative parents-enfants avec Stefania SkorynaBibliothèque Benny
- 3D ManiaBenny Fab
- Guided tour and art workshop of the exhibition Éloge d'un fauteuil mauditCentre d'exposition Lethbridge
- How to tell your story - Writing workshopBibliothèque Benny
- Libraries : Full STEAM aheadWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Pyromania: A board game for the whole familyPierrefonds library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Littératie financière pour les adosBibliothèque Benny
- Photoshop Basics for BeginnersBenny Fab
- Creating a Portable Flower PressPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- OrigamiBibliothèque Benny
- 3D ManiaCancelledBenny Fab
- Atelier d’écriture créative en françaisBibliothèque Benny
- Earth Day : Seed and plant exchangeBibliothèque Benny
- Ruche d'Art bilingueBibliothèque Benny
- Digital troubleshooting clinicPierrefonds library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Pierrefonds English Book ClubPierrefonds library
- Teens and drug use - A workshop for parentsBibliothèque Benny
- Conference : Contemporary art and environnementBibliothèque Benny
- Pierrefonds English Book ClubPierrefonds library
- Pierrefonds French Book ClubPierrefonds library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Roxboro French Book ClubWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Afternoon Video GamesPierrefonds library
- Jeux de motsBibliothèque Benny
- Heure de conte et jeux de sociétéBibliothèque Benny
- 3D ManiaBenny Fab
- Les Curieuses – Scientific workshopBibliothèque Benny
- Libraries : Full STEAM aheadWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- French conversation in NDGBibliothèque Benny
- Les mots partagésPierrefonds library
- Health and social services in the boroughBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringPierrefonds library
- Éveil à l’art pour les tout-petitsBibliothèque Benny
- Coffee and colouringWilliam-G.-Boll Library
- Teen vidéo gamesBenny Fab
- Afternoon Video GamesPierrefonds library
- 3D ManiaBenny Fab
- Libraries : Full STEAM aheadPierrefonds library
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