
Trees and Gardens

Find out everything you need to know about tree maintenance, community gardens, ragweed, green lanes and using pesticides.

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  • Community gardens and collective gardens: Many boroughs offer you the chance to tend a vegetable garden. Find the right type of garden for your needs and enjoy taking part in urban agriculture.

  • Would you like to spruce up your flower beds or improve the soil of your vegetable garden? Plants and compost are available free of charge in Montréal. See what your borough has to offer.

  • Thinking of creating a green alleyway in your neighbourhood? There are several steps involved in doing so, from mobilizing local residents to obtaining the support available through your borough.

  • The island of Montréal is home to species of insect pests that can be harmful to plants and property. Find out how to prevent or limit damage to your property.

  • Many Montrealers are allergic to ragweed. When this invasive plant blooms in August, its pollen is the cause of hay fever.

  • Are you allowed to fell a tree in your backyard? What should you do with a diseased ash tree? Learn more about Montréal’s urban forest management practices.

  • Are you planning to use pesticides? Please be advised that the use of domestic pesticides is regulated, as is the use of residential and commercial pesticides outside buildings.