2020-2025 Strategy for Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

Last updated November 4, 2020
Reading time: 2 min

The City has passed an important milestone in its reconciliation efforts with the Indigenous peoples with the adoption of a Strategy that is the result of years of collaboration. This document is the concretization of the City’s commitment made to the First Nations and Inuit.

The Strategy for Reconciliation with the Indigenous Peoples is consistent with the recognition of the past, present and future Indigenous presence in the Greater Montreal region and with respect for the rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada.

It stems from Montréal’s desire to become a metropolis of reconciliation. This priority commitment by the City was solidified in 2018 by the appointment of a Commissioner for Indigenous Relations whose mission is to:

  • Develop training and awareness programs for City personnel;
  • Put in place an action plan to recognize, value and promote the presence and undeniable contribution of Indigenous peoples to the development of the Island of Montréal.

The essence of the principle of reconciliation is rooted in the traditional values that forge our cultural identity as Indigenous Peoples. We are proud that this heritage can be translated today into the actions put forward by the leadership of the City of Montreal.

The strategy is articulated around seven strategic objectives

Develop a government to government relationship within City institutions

By recognizing Indigenous governments as privileged partners in regional dialogue as well as Indigenous civil society and its organizations as necessary actors in discussions, the search for solutions and decision-making about urban issues that concern them.

Improve the visibility of the Indigenous presence in the City of Montréal

By showcasing the Indigenous archaeological heritage linked to the island’s Indigenous history in its urban landscape, design and toponymy, in collaboration with Indigenous communities.

Support the urban Indigenous community

By recognizing the strength and expertise of Indigenous organizations in the city and the relevance of the many projects and services delivered by these agencies, and by supporting their maintenance, development and growth.

Improve the feeling of safety of Indigenous people in Montréal

By recognizing the need to better support culturally safe programs offered by Indigenous organizations, with an eye to prevention and protection.

Support Indigenous cultural development in the urban environment

By recognizing historic ethnocidal violence, especially that stemming from the Indigenous residential schools and the Indian Act, which caused a strangulation of language and cultural transmission mechanisms, and by supporting the renaissance and the practice of Indigenous languages and cultures in Montréal.

Support the economic development of Indigenous peoples in Montréal

By recognizing that systemic racism and discrimination constitute major obstacles to the urban employability of today’s Indigenous workers and professionals.

Promote the protection of natural spaces and environments based on the 7th Generation Principle

By recognizing the richness and relevance of updating Indigenous knowledge, particularly in the field of preserving natural environments and ecosystems.

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