The Act respecting French in Montréal: What you need to know

Last updated September 26, 2024
Reading time: 2 min

French is the official language of Québec. In accordance with the law, the city undertakes to be exemplary by communicating exclusively in French.

The Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec, in force since June 1, 2023, amends the Charter of the French Language and strengthens the provisions applicable to the municipal administration. 

The city uses French in its written and oral communications with residents, businesses and organizations, for the delivery of services, contractual relations and subsidies.


The Charter of the French Language provides for exceptions stipulating that an organization under the Administration can override the principle of exemplariness and use another language, in addition to French. These exceptions may apply to natural or legal persons, or specific situations.

Natural persons covered by the exceptions

  • Persons deemed eligible to receive teaching in English under the Charter 
  • Indigenous Peoples (members of First Nations and the Inuit) 
  • Immigrants who arrived in Québec within the last 6 months 
  • People who corresponded solely in English with the city prior to May 13, 2021 (for a specific matter other than a state of public health emergency) 
  • Natural persons outside of Québec to whom an organization provides services.

Legal persons covered by the exceptions

  • Legal persons or businesses established outside of Québec (that do not have a head office or an establishment in Québec) 
  • Legal persons or businesses established in Québec, but whose communications solely concern the head office or establishment outside of Québec 
  • Legal persons exempt from the application of the Charter under article 95 (James Bay and Northern Québec Agreement and the Northeastern Québec Agreement) 
  • Establishments of a legal person constituted and administered exclusively for purposes of offering services within a reserve or an establishment, on lands covered under article 97 (Indian reserves), or to a person covered under this article 
  • Sole proprietorships whose operators already correspond with the city in another language with respect to their personal records

Situations in which it is possible to override the principle of exemplariness

  • It is required for health reasons 
  • It is required for public safety reasons 
  • It is required based on principles of natural justice 
  • It is required to offer tourism services

What changes for people who consider themselves covered under the exceptions

In the communications and services that we offer, we could ask you to confirm that you consider yourself covered under one of the exceptions mentioned above. 

If that is not the case, we will communicate with you in French.

Communications in person, by e-mail or by telephone

In order to receive a service in a language other than French, you must mention that you consider yourself covered under one of the exceptions, subject to the city’s capacity to offer the said service in another language.