Help kids discover the pleasures of reading

Last updated July 5, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

As part of the Livres dans la rue initiative, which runs from the end of June until August, facilitators who are passionate about books will travel to more than 50 parks to share the joys of reading with children ages 4 to 12.

Spark a passion for reading 

From Monday to Thursday, facilitators carrying backpacks loaded with books are visiting Montréal parks to share their favourite finds with kids. 

The main goal of this playful and mentally stimulating activity is to have fun. The facilitators adapt to the needs and tastes of the children they meet. Everyone is free to participate in this simple program in a relaxed atmosphere.

If you see one of the activity leaders while taking a walk with your child, be sure to check out what they have to offer.

More than 40 years of stories

Since 1982, Livres dans la rue, run by the Bibliothèques de Montréal, has been seeking out young people where they live and play. From parks to back alleys, courtyards next to social housing projects and community organizations, this program helps children discover the joy of reading, a skill that is key to success at school.

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