Lachine sculpture garden

Last updated July 18, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

The Musée de Lachine coexists with a collection of 50 monumental sculptures permanently installed throughout Lachine’s waterfront parks.

This open-air museum, nestled in an exceptional landscape, testifies to the vitality of contemporary sculpture in Québec. The works on display include sculptures by well-known artists such as Linda Covit, André Fournelle, Michel Goulet, David Moore and Bill Vazan.

Its size (several kilometres end-to-end), its diversity and especially its density make this true open-air museum one of the most significant sculpture gardens in Canada.

The collection comprises 51 works located in three sectors: 22 in Parc René Levesque, 14 in the waterfront parks and 15 at the Lachine museum site.

Visitors can explore any of these three sectors on foot or by bicycle. Information panels near each sculpture provide interpretation along the way.

The sculpture trail is open every day from sunrise to sunset.

The Musée de Lachine organizes free guided tours of this garden of sculptural works. Contact us for more information and to book your visit!

Click for more information on theworks and the trail

See the photo gallery of the creation of these works at the sculpture symposium

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