MontréaLisons: Madioula Kébé-Kamara’s favourite reads

Last updated June 1, 2021
Reading time: 1 min

Diverses Syllabes founder and publisher Madioula Kébé-Kamara has helped promote the inclusion of minority voices on the literary and cultural scene. She recommends four books that promote dialogue on the fight against racism and discrimination.

Madioula Kébé-Kamara’s top-four books

Le Racisme expliqué à ma fille, by Tahar Ben Jelloun

Le Racisme expliqué à ma fille, de Tahar Ben Jelloun

Éditions du Seuil, 1999

This didactic book answers certain questions concerning racism. Ideal for parents seeking to achieve a deeper understanding of racism and help their children appreciate the importance of embracing diversity.


NoirEs sous surveillance : esclavage, répression, violence d'État au Canada, by Robyn Maynard

NoirEs sous surveillance : esclavage, répression, violence d'État au Canada, de Robyn Maynard

Éditions Mémoire d’encrier, 2019

This book presents concrete data on the evolution of systemic racism in Canada. A work that’s essential to understanding and acting together to redress inequities.


Cartographie de l'amour décolonial, by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Cartographie de l'amour décolonial, de Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Éditions Mémoire d’encrier, 2018

This book gives expression to the desire on the part of Aboriginal people to emancipate themselves from the impact of colonialism. Readers are introduced to characters whose desire to live knows no borders.


Pilleurs de rêves, by Cherie Dimaline

Pilleurs de rêves, de Cherie Dimaline

Éditions Boréal, 2019

A troubling echo of our shared Canadian history, this book raises awareness of the realities faced by Aboriginal communities and of climate change. A dystopian vision and a powerful allegory of colonialism in North America.
