The Pierrefonds-Roxboro Seed Library

Last updated June 30, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

Pierrefonds-Roxboro residents now have access to a seed library where they can obtain seeds to grow at home!

There, you’ll find flower, herb and vegetable seeds for your garden, flower patch or balcony.

It’s also an opportunity to learn more about urban agriculture, and maybe even develop a real passion for ecological gardening.

What is a seed library?

It is a place where you can find a collection of seeds, either herbs, flowers or vegetables. They are offered free of charge to library members.

The Pierrefonds Seed Library offers open-pollinated (non-hybrid) organic seeds adapted to the Montreal area. You will also find advice on planting and harvesting seeds.

 What is the purpose of a seed library?

The seed library provides free access to Quebec’s horticultural and agricultural heritage, which allows to :

  • Promote biodiversity in the urban environment 
  • Encourage good ecological gardening practices
  • Promote and contribute to the preservation of ancestral or heritage varieties
  • Contribute to the diversity of the contents of our plates

How does it work?

Our service is offered to Pierrefonds Library subscribers from April 22 to September 30, 2022.

Choose your seeds in the garden library cabinet located on the second floor of the library.

You are invited to select three envelopes of seeds per week, per family, up to a maximum of nine envelopes per season. This will ensure that as many citizens as possible have the pleasure of benefiting from this service.

Go back home and plant them!

Loan of gardening tools

Don’t have any gardening equipment? The library allows you to borrow a few useful tools: 

  • Sprayers
  • Pruners 
  • Spading forks
  • Hoes 
  • Gardening tools for children

The seed library project is a collaboration between the Pierrefonds Library and VertCité.