Renovation of Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard: Find out what you need to know

Last updated June 7, 2023
Reading time: 1 min

Major work is underway at the Claude-Robillard sports centre. Renovation is necessary to prevent deterioration of the building and maintain the quality of services available. The centre will remain open during the work.

Only the floor or area where the renovations are taking place will be closed to the public. Activities will be shifted elsewhere in the building or relocated to nearby partner institutions.

Work will be done in phases until the end of 2027.

Work process

Phase 1

From May 2022 to September 2023: S2 basement level

Work progress

  • Gymnastics area: Reopening June 2023
  • Boxing arena, ESIM training room, archery zone and weightlifting room: Reopening September 2023
  • Work continues in the karate area. The activity has been moved to another area of the sports centre.

Phase 2

Starting in May 2023: Double gymnasium

A retention basin will be built to the west of the sports centre. This work will begin in June 2023 and last 12 months.

Phase 3

Starting in summer 2024: swimming pools and locker rooms.

Phase 4

Starting in summer 2025: multisport room and locker rooms.

Phase 5

Starting in summer 2026: management offices and glass panels.

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