A special urban planning program for the Lachine-Est eco-neighbourhood
The municipal administration seeks to transform the Lachine-Est district into an inspiring, resilient and inclusive neighbourhood. Development will be based on active transportation and public transit, a green space network, waterfront access and enhancement of the area’s industrial heritage.
The Lachine-Est ecological neighbourhood is a large area to be transformed, with the potential of adding 7,800 dwelling units. Its complete reconversion will take place over at least 20 years. The special urban planning program (Programme particulier d’urbanisme or PPU in French) for the Lachine-Est eco-neighbourhood was adopted by Montréal city council at its meeting on June 12, 2023.
Based on the heritage values and exceptional history of this district, the Lachine-Est eco-neighbourhood PPU is powered by the following guiding principles:
- Preserve the genius loci (spirit of the place)
- Offer an attractive, green, healthy and resilient environment
- Make the ecological district a complete and inclusive neighbourhood
- Ensure a significant number of work spaces are provided
- Develop an efficient, low-carbon mobility network
Planning that includes community facilities
The future eco-neighbourhood covers about 70 hectares, between the Canal de Lachine, Rue Victoria, 6e Avenue and the Canadian Pacific (CP) railway lines.
Through the project, several elements that are key to the identity of the area will be enhanced. These include the Canal de Lachine, Boulevard Saint-Joseph (the original road), buildings comprising historic industrial complexes and several structures that are vestiges of the area’s dynamic past as the scene of industrial production (railway spurs, overhead bridge cranes, etc.) The area also offers archaeological potential (remains of the unfinished canal excavated by the Sulpicians, the former Petite Rivière Saint-Pierre), as well as considerable immaterial heritage (e.g. the contributions of workers of the past, including the Mohawks, connections with the community, the urban landscape).
A collaborative vision for the future of Lachine-Est
Adoption of the PPU was the result of a collaborative effort. From the start, Montréal sought to involve the community. In 2019, a consultation was held on the vision and urban development and planning principles (information in French). In 2020, a joint project office was created. Coordinated by Concert’Action (Lachine’s social development roundtable), this office incorporated municipal and borough employees, experts, elected officials, representatives of organizations as well as citizens, who participated in a series of thematic workshops.
This effort led to the creation of a site plan (plan d’ensemble) in fall 2020. The plan was the basis for development of a draft PPU which was the subject of public consultations by the OCPM (information in French) in spring 2022.
Now that the PPU has been adopted, the collaborative and participatory activities continue during the implementation phase for the eco-neighbourhood. To learn more about the different phases, view the Réalisons Montréal webpage (in French).
Transformation potential and community benefits
The Lachine-Est eco-neighbourhood will provide benefits for the entire Lachine community, including through emphasis on commemorating the site’s past and by expanding access to the Canal de Lachine. Additionally, a generous network of green space, as well as housing, jobs, services and community facilities will be added. It will be a setting where automobile traffic will be reduced and calmed, offering attractive conditions for active travel and public transit, promoting efficient, low-carbon mobility.
The eco-neighbourhood will include:
- Up to approximately 7,800 dwellings, including social, affordable and family units
- A civic hub, including a park, school, and a sports and community centre
- A green/blue network contributing to active mobility, water management and reducing heat island effects
- About 10 hectares of parks and public space, almost 22 per cent of the total developable area
- 3.3 km of pedestrian-priority routes
- The addition of almost 3.4 km of new bike paths, including the Express Bike Network (REV)
- The creation of “windows” on the Canal de Lachine, and access to the waterfront
- Enhancement of the industrial and archaeological heritage
- Stores and other economic activities
Planning – next phases
Here are the next planning phases:
- Revision of the borough’s urban planning regulations, including compliance with the PPU (2023–2025)
- Continuation of technical analyses for infrastructure (2023–2025)
- Start of implementation of the eco-neighbourhood project (2025)
- Continued discussions with the Centre de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (elementary school)
- Finalization of technical analyses for creation of a sports and community centre (underway)
Documents - Programme particulier d'urbanisme
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