To be in the know: Download Saint-Laurent's Mobile App

Last updated November 18, 2021
Reading time: 1 min

With the Saint-Laurent app, you can discover the Borough’s attractions and activities in addition to obtaining information on the Borough’s various services to residents.

The functions offered include the following:

  • Frequently Asked Questions: These FAQs list the main questions received as well as concise, practical answers.
  • The calendar of activities: Create your own list of favourite activities not to be missed.
  • The routes to discover Saint-Laurent—on foot or by bike. Discover the Borough’s attractions thanks to geolocated routes.
  • Social media—At a glance, get an update on the Borough’s latest publications.
  • A list of the various transportation services offered in Saint-Laurent
  • Lots of other relevant information for residents, tourists and workers

The app is available for iPhone and Android.