Bureau des régimes de retraite de Montréal

The Bureau des régimes de retraite coordinates the administrative activities of six pension committees and ensures the sound management of their operations.

The Bureau administers the pension plans to which employees contribute:

  • managers
  • white-collar workers
  • blue-collar workers
  • unionized foremen/women
  • firefighters
  • professionals

The Bureau holds committee meetings and annual assemblies for participants. It prepares the agendas and records minutes.

The Bureau is responsible for determining the rights that participants accumulate in the pension fund. It supports participants through the process of retirement or during a departure from the city, as well as in the event of a death or a dissolved marriage.

In addition, the Bureau manages the sums paid to pension funds by employees and the city, and prepares the required financial statements. It acts as a reference in the administration of pension plans in the municipal sector. It collaborates with other cities and organizations in order to promote the adoption of best practices.