Request a postponement in penal matters

Last updated February 8, 2023

Do you want to request a postponement in penal matters? Here’s everything you need to know.

A request for a postponement or deferral of a hearing to a later date must be received 10 days before the date of the hearing.

You will be notified if the prosecution consents or objects to your postponement request. If it objects to your request, you must appear before the tribunal on the day of the hearing.

All requests for postponement under articles 168, 169, 170 and 171 of the Highway Safety Code (accidents or hit and run offenses) are excluded from this procedure and are the subject of a formal request in writing of postponement and desummoning of witnesses.

Fees may apply to request a postponement in penal matters (see Tarif of court costs in penal matters, in French).


Communication channels

Direction des poursuites pénales et criminelles Judicial procedures division (request for postponement)

775, rue Gosford , 2e étage
Montréal, QC H2Y 3B9

Please send the above form, completed.

Please send the above form, completed.

Direction des poursuites pénales et criminelles - Division des procédures judiciaires (Demande de remise)


Please send the above form, completed.