Bernard Est skating rink

Not specified
77 Rue Bernard Est
Montréal, QC H2T 1A4

Bernard Est skating rink is located at the corner of Rue Bernard and Rue Saint-Dominique.



Before stepping outside, make sure you check the winter site conditions.

This rink is accessible for recreational skating.

For those who wish to play hockey, we invite you to head to the De Gaspé skating rink, located not far from there at the corner of Bernard Est and De Gaspé.

Access path

By Bernard Street and Saint-Dominique.

Please note that, despite our regular maintenance, weather conditions may affect the accessibility of the paths leading to the ice rink. Thank you for your understanding.


  • Stroller-friendly
  • Wheelchair accessible with assistance


Bernard Est skating rink
77 Rue Bernard Est
Montréal, QC H2T 1A4
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