Boisé du parc Marcel-Laurin

Opened today
6:00 am to 11:00 pm
Angle of Cavendish and Poirier boulevards
Montréal, QC

A precious natural urban environment, the Parc Marcel-Laurin woodland is located at the edge of the park bearing its name.


Consult the trail map.

Covering an area of 15,97 ha, this natural oasis offers city-dwellers the opportunity to enjoy an outstanding collection of vegetation, flora and fauna at the very edge of Saint-Laurent's residential and industrial sectors. In addition, the woodland offers 2,1 km of walking trails (including the one leading to bassin de la Brunante). The total area of the woodland including the Parc Marcel-Laurin is 37,4 ha.

The wooded area of ​​Parc Marcel-Laurin is the first category A municipal natural site listed to date in the Directory of Protected Natural Environments of the Agglomeration of Montreal. This site was entered in the Directory in December 2010, at the request of the Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent.

Educational activities

Thanks to the collaboration of Éco-quartier de Saint-Laurent and the Comité Écologique du Grand Montréal, the woodland is constantly enhanced through environmental initiatives such as plantations, cleaning chores and discovery activities, which add to its attractions. Educational activities and events relating to the protection of nature and biodiversity are organized there throughout the year. To stay up-to-date on the program, subscribe to the Saint-Laurent and Éco-quartier de Saint-Laurent Facebook page.

Site of ornithological interest

Thanks to the variety of birds that can be observed there, the wooded area of ​​Parc Marcel-Laurin and the Brunante basin are sites of interest for ornithology enthusiasts. Ornithology enthusiasts are also invited to register. their observations in the eBird Quebec database. This portal allows ornithologists in Quebec to help monitor bird populations, while providing interactive data visualization tools.


The various forest stands as well as the wetlands found in the woods constitute an important biodiversity. In addition to animals, there are over 191 plant species, including 38 tree species, 41 shrub species and 112 herbaceous species.

Rich in wetlands and wasteland favoring wildlife, including pollinators and snakes, the wooded area of ​​Parc Marcel-Laurin lists a variety of plants that can be observed along the trails and in the forest.

In addition to the list of plant species are common buckthorn and buckthorn (Rhammus cathartica et frangula) and common reed (Phragmites australis subsp. Australis). These invasive alien plants must, however, be eradicated as they supplant other species that naturally live in woodlands and their wasteland. Since 2005, a woodlot enhancement process has been underway in order to control these harmful species, restore the environment and maintain various infrastructures.


To date, many donors and collaborators have contributed to the protection of this exceptional environment. Here they are:

  • Aéroports de Montréal
  • Arbres Canada
  • Ardène
  • C-Vert (YMCA de Saint-Laurent)
  • CHEP
  • Church & Dwight
  • Club Lion
  • CNA
  • École d’horticulture du Jardin Botanique
  • Environnement Canada
  • Evergreen
  • Fédération Canadienne de la Faune
  • FedEx
  • Fido
  • Fondation du Grand Montréal
  • Fondation ECHO (EJLB)
  • Fondation Écologique du Grand Montréal (FEGM)
  • Fondation Hydro-Québec pour l’environnement
  • Fondation TD Des amis de l’environnement
  • Fonds de bienfaisance des employés de Bombardier
  • Fonds de l’environnement Shell
  • Fonds pour dommages à l’environnement (Environnement Canada)
  • G.R.E.B.E. Inc.
  • Home Depot
  • IKEA
  • Insectarium de Montréal
  • Intégration Jeunesse
  • JTI-MacDonald Corporation
  • MEC
  • Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF)
  • Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs
  • Molson-Coors
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Philip Morris International
  • Services Canada (Ressources humaines Canada)
  • Siemens
  • Siemens Energy
  • TD Assurances Meloche-Monnex
  • Trajet Jeunesse
  • Wal-Mart

Rules to follow

  • No off-trail walking allowed.
  • No dogs or bicycles allowed.
  • Do not feed and/or bring animals into the woodland.
  • Do not pick plants and/or capture animals in the woodland.


Boisé du parc Marcel-Laurin
Angle of Cavendish and Poirier boulevards
Montréal, QC

Opening hours

Regular schedule
  • Monday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Tuesday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Wednesday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Thursday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Friday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Saturday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm
  • Sunday
    6:00 am to 11:00 pm