Parc Baldwin outdoor swimming and wading pools

Not specified
4355 Rue Fullum
Montréal, QC H2H 1N1

The Parc Baldwin swimming and wading pools are currently closed. Le Plateau-Mont-Royal is planning to build a new pool in the northwest sector of the park, due to technical constraints related to biogas and soil management.


Consultation activity on the construction of a new swimming pool at Parc Baldwin (June 19, 2024).

Le Plateau-Mont-Royal held a public consultation on its project to build a new swimming pool in Parc Baldwin on June 19, at 6 p.m. in the Plateau Room at 201 Avenue Laurier Est. The purpose of the event was to give a brief progress report on the project and discuss certain design elements of the new pool. The elements discussed at the fall 2023 information session were not revisited. 

Comments from participants were collected, consolidated and passed on to the professionals in charge of designing the pool.

Information meeting on the construction of a new swimming pool at Parc Baldwin (September 25, 2023) 

Le Plateau-Mont-Royal invited the public to an information session on the construction of a new swimming pool in Baldwin Park on September 25, 2023 at 7 p.m., at the borough's art centre. 


The pool facilities (pool, wading pool, filtration system, beach, welcome centre), which were built in 1964, have reached the end of their lifespan. The filtration system is outdated and no longer complied with regulatory standards. The existing mechanical room was no longer large enough to contain new filtration and water treatment equipment. 

Given that the project is on an unused elimination site (former garbage dump), it is subject to article 65 of Québec’s Environment Quality Act.

The facilities are subject to ground movement due to settling and decomposition of backfill materials. The foundation of the pavilion is collapsing, and a number of cracks and raised areas have been observed. Consequently, the walls of the building are cracking and are misaligned towards the outside. The building has major structural defects and would not be able to withstand renovations. 

The new project

The new pool will be located in the northwestern sector of the park, where there is currently a soccer field. On the site of the old pool, a new natural soccer field will be built and the pavilion will be torn down. 

The future 50-metre pool with swimming lanes will be able to accommodate a greater number of swimmers. A wading pool and a partially shaded beach are also planned.

A call for tenders for professional services was launched in autumn 2023 for the design, plans and specifications. A public presentation of the pool design and layout is planned prior to launching the call for tenders to build the pool. This presentation will be followed by a period for comments and questions. 

Thereafter, the call for tenders to build the pool is expected to be launched in spring 2025, with construction starting in late summer 2025. The desired opening date is 2027. 

Please note that play fountains are open in the northern portion of the park.


There are restrooms nearby, in the Welcome Center.


Parc Baldwin outdoor swimming and wading pools
4355 Rue Fullum
Montréal, QC H2H 1N1
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