Parc Chénier wading pool

5555 Avenue de l'Aréna
Montréal, QC H1K 4C9

The wading pool at Parc Chénier is the perfect place to bring the children to cool off on a pleasant summer day.


The wading pool welcomes families all summer long. The lockers and washrooms are located in the park chalet, which is directly beside the wading pool. Opening hours are extended during heat waves. Free admission. The park is accessible via the 85 bus line, with the closest stops on Avenue Chénier and at the corner of Boulevard Joseph-Renaud and Boulevard Yves-Prévost.


  • Access way
  • Ground-level entrance
  • Stroller-friendly


Parc Chénier wading pool
5555 Avenue de l'Aréna
Montréal, QC H1K 4C9