Closed for the season

Parc De La Vérendrye soccer and football fields

Last updated April 28, 2021
5900 Rue Drake
Montréal, QC H4E 4G7

These 9- and 11-person soccer pitches are located at the corner of Rue Drake and Rue Jacques-Hertel.

Recreational soccer

Schedule for the period
From to

For everyone

Monday4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sunday10:00 am to 12:00 pm


This lot has two play areas: soccer and football, with bleachers and players’ benches.

This field can be used during time slots designated for general access.

The local soccer association also holds many matches here.

Open from mid-May to mid-October.

Pickup soccer

Depending on the schedule in force for general access.

Sports organizations have priority for holding their games and practices.

To reserve a ball field, please contact the Association des Sports de Balle à Montréal (ASBM).


  • Ground-level entrance


Parc De La Vérendrye soccer and football fields
5900 Rue Drake
Montréal, QC H4E 4G7