Parc Ladauversière outdoor tennis courts

Last updated July 17, 2021
7560 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC

The tennis courts at Parc Ladauversière are located near Boulevard Lacordaire.


The park features four acrylic tennis courts, which share the same opening hours as the park. Users are asked to observe the rules posted at the entrance to the courts.

Online registration onLoisirs Montréal is mandatory. You need to register 24 hours in advance of when you want to use the court.

Only singles practice is allowed (or doubles for a family bubble).

You must have a valid library or recreation card to create an account on


  • Free parking


  • Access way
  • Accessible parking


Parc Ladauversière outdoor tennis courts
7560 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC