Rue Island

Last updated July 20, 2021
Not specified
Rue Island
Between the Lachine Canal et la rue Grand Trunk
Montréal, QC

Rue Island, which is located just a few steps away from the Lachine Canal, is transformed into a safe shared space in the summertime. Pedestrians have more room to stroll and can enjoy visiting and relaxing in its green spaces.


Rue Island links the Lachine Canal, the commercial and institutional heart of the Rue du Centre, to the sports, culture and community hub of Rue Grand Trunk.

The vision for the project is the result of many discussions since 2013. The community expressed its need to reclaim the street and make it a safe, green and welcoming space with more room for pedestrians and neighbourhood life.

Rue Island was once a transportation route. Now, it’s only for neighbourhood cars in order to reduce traffic and speed limits, as well as making the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians. The new configuration has created welcoming areas that are perfect places to meet a friend or relax. 


  • Make the street a safe, green and welcoming gathering place that makes Pointe-Saint-Charles a more attractive place. 
  • Promote safe sharing of space among pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. 
  • Create an instinctive link with the Lachine Canal for area residents and an attractive entrance to Pointe-Saint-Charles for people coming from the Lachine Canal.


  • A shared northbound lane for traffic just for local travel in order to reduce traffic and speed limits, as well as making the area safer for cyclists and pedestrians. On this lane, cyclists can travel wherever they like as well as side by side.   
  • Traffic detour island at the intersection of Rue Island and Rue Augustin-Cantin in order to reduce trucks and transportation traffic on the street. 
  • Southbound bike lane with a buffer zone for cyclists travelling against traffic. 
  • Widened sidewalks along several stretches of the street and safer intersections for pedestrians’ comfort.
  • Green islands and street furniture for visiting and relaxing that offer a pleasant atmosphere all year long.



  • Bike stand
  • Picnic area