Square Viger

Last updated June 25, 2024
Avenue Viger Est
Montréal, QC

Square Viger is a transitional area between downtown and Old Montréal that is a perfect place to relax and meet people.


The new and contemporary developments in this inspiring public space have been designed to evoke its rich history while enhancing its existing public works of art. Restoration and enhancement work showcase the monument dedicated to Jean-Olivier Chénier and pergolas by Charles Daudelin.

A greener, friendlier and more accessible public space

Thousands of annual plants and more than 50 trees will green a large part of the square in order to attenuate heat islands. The new public square, which opens onto Rue Saint-Denis, can host seasonal activities like neighbourhood parties, intimate concerts or outdoor projections.



Visit the French page to see other events at this location.


Square Viger
Avenue Viger Est
Montréal, QC