Terrasses Roy

Last updated November 15, 2022
Not specified
Rue Roy Est
Between Rue de Bullion and Avenue Coloniale
Montréal, QC

The development work on the Terrasses Roy is being carried out in two phases. The construction of the public square was completed in November 2022. While waiting for the planting of plants in the 2023 spring, which will bring the final touch to the project, the furniture on site can already be used.


Once all work is complete, pedestrians will enjoy wider sidewalks, personalized street furniture and urban agriculture spaces. 


  • Provide residents with a green, educational, inclusive and innovative meeting space, created by and for the neighbourhood.
  • Rally the community around the benefits of urban agriculture. 


  • Several distinctive islands: Patios, a marketplace, a picnic area with tables and an educational area 
  • Distinctive street furniture
  • Safety and mood lighting
  • Green spaces