Key to the city

Last updated June 9, 2021

Montréal awards this distinction to prominent people, from the community or beyond, and to organizations that have worked for the good of the city or to increase its recognition and influence.

Here is a list of recipients:

  • Greta Thunberg - Environmental activist (September)
  • Mgr Ibrahim M. Ibrahim - Bishop of the Melkite Eparchy of Saint-Sauveur de Montréal (October)
  • Philippe de Gaspé Beaubien - Canadian businessman, pioneer of the media world in Québec, director of operations for Expo 67 (September)
  • Yves Jasmin - Québec filmmaker, journalist and public relations specialist, director of information, publicity and public relations for Expo 67 (September)
  • Christine Zachary-Deom - Chief of the Mohawk Band Council of Kahnawà:ke (September)
  • Ghislain Picard - Chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (September)
  • Hercule Gosselin - Brigadier-General, Commander 2nd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force (July)
  • His Excellency Sergio Mattarella - President of the Italian Republic (June)
  • Jean Todt - President of the FIA International Automobile Federation and the United Nations Secretary-General Special Envoy for Road Safety (June)
  • Tim Raines - Former Montréal Expos player, Hall of Fame inductee (March)
  • His Excellency Li Keqiang - Premier of the People’s Republic of China (September)
  • Thomas Bach - President of the International Olympic Committee (July)
  • Al Pacino - American film actor, director and producer (June)
  • Raymond Benjamin - ICAO Secretary General from 2012 to 2015 (May)
1999 à 2014
  • Danny Maciocia - Head Coach of the University of Montreal Carabins (December 2014)
  • Gérard Collomb - Mayor of Lyon (October 2014)
  • Michel Drucker - French television host and producer (July 2014)
  • Anthony Calvillo - Canadian quarterback for the Montréal Alouettes (November 2011)
  • Festival Juste pour rire - Largest comedy festival in the world, launched in Montréal in 1983 (July 2008)
  • Sœur Angèle - Québec nun known for her cooking lessons and community involvement (October 2005)
  • Céline Dion - Québec singer (December 1999)

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