Prix Création Mon rêve

Last updated September 5, 2024

The Prix Création Mon rêve highlights efforts by a recreation organization to promote access to artistic activities. It is the fruit of a partnership between AlterGo, the Troupe des artistes handicapés de Chine, and the city.


The Prix Création Mon rêve, created in 2014, is awarded annually by AlterGo, in collaboration with the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Montréal, and the city. This award is made possible through the contribution of the Troupe des artistes handicapés de Chine, which presented the show entitled Mon Rêve at Montréal’s Place des Arts in the fall of 2012. This troupe has held solidarity activities and presented charity shows in more than 60 countries. It was named UNESCO Artist for Peace in recognition of its efforts to promote culture, friendship and understanding.


For further information, go to Altergo.c

Method of evaluation

Submissions are evaluated by a jury made up of representatives of AlterGo, the city’s Service de la culture and the boroughs, and a recognized regional cultural organization.

Submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Improves access to cultural recreation by offering adapted artistic activities.
  • Exerts a positive impact on the quality of the participants’ experience.
  • Offers benefits to the artistic discipline and the community, and heightens the artistic visibility of people with functional limitations.

About the award

The organization that wins the annual Prix Création Mon rêve receives a cash prize of $2,000, awarded by AlterGo, in addition to a sum of $1,000 awarded by the city for purposes of staging an exhibition or presenting a show. The exhibition or show is presented free of charge the following year in a venue within the Accès culture network, in conjunction with Universal Accessibility Month at Montréal libraries.

Previous winners

  • Le Théâtre Aphasique
  • Centre communautaire Radisson
  • Au nom de la danse - Québec
  • Libre et Sauvage
  • Regroupement pour la trisomie 21
  • La Gang à Rambrou
  • Le Théâtre Aphasique

In partnership

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