Support and Recognition of Saint-Laurent Organizations
In order to ensure an objective, equitable and strategic distribution of its financial, human and material resources so as to support an offer of services that is in line with its mission, Saint-Laurent’s Administration adopted a Policy on Support and Recognition of Saint-Laurent Organizations.
On this page:
Revised in January 2025, this policy is intended to be a user-friendly reference tool that contributes toward regularly updating municipal actions in the areas of culture, sports, recreation, social and community development.
It establishes criteria that enable Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent to better work with its partner organizations by identifying mechanisms to make it easier to issue official recognition for organizations whose activities are in keeping with the guidelines of the Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social (DCSLDS) and whose offer of services meets Saint-Laurent residents’ needs.
Recognition process for 2026-2028
The recognition process takes place every three years. The application period for recognition of cultural leisure organizations for the period covering the years 2026 to 2028 is now open until March 31, 2025.
Saint-Laurent Council can recognize an organization whose activities are in line with the mission and guidelines of the DCSLDS and whose offer of services meets Saint-Laurent residents’ needs. Arrondissement de Saint-Laurent can then offer recognized organizations support and expertise, logistical support as well as the use of its facilities, either free of charge or at a preferential rate. In some cases, financial support for the mission may also be granted.
Cultural leisure organizations are invited to consulte the Policy mentioned below in order to ensure that their application for recognition meets the eligibility requirements.
To receive the application form for recognition, please contact the persons below.
Organismes de loisirs culturels :
Alice Blanchet-Gavouyère
Agente de liaison aux organismes en loisirs culturels
514 855-6110, poste 4851
Organismes sociocommunautaires :
Éric Lagacé
Chef de division - loisirs et développement social
514 855-6110, poste 4876
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