Commercial development corporations

Last updated January 15, 2025

A commercial development corporation (SDC) is a non-profit association that aims to promote the economic development of a commercial zone.

The borough council determines the limits of a commercial zone, within which companies become members of the commercial development corporation.

A commercial development corporation consists of all the businesses within its commercial zone, such as companies, professional offices or service companies. 

There are more than 25 commercial development corporations within city limits.

Member contribution

Member contributions are determined according to every SDC’s annual budget, which is approved by the borough council.

Calculating contributions is determined by the budget and parameters set out by each commercial development corporation. As one example, a commercial development corporation can decide to charge contributions based on the area of the place of business, or to set rates based on the value of the premises.

Montréal supports commercial development corporations. In particular, the city bills, collects and distributes annual contributions. SDC accounts are sent to member businesses occupying the premises on the first day of the fiscal year, which is January 1.

To have voting rights at corporation meetings, members must have paid their annual contribution.


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