Community gardens and collective gardens

Last updated February 17, 2021

Community gardens and collective gardens: Many boroughs offer you the chance to tend a vegetable garden. Find the right type of garden for your needs and enjoy taking part in urban agriculture.

Community gardens

In this type of garden, residents are responsible for cultivating and maintaining their own plot, and collect all of the harvest from their plot. 

Plots are generally assigned to borough residents by priority.

In these plots, you’ll find:

  • Earth and sand
  • A watering place
  • A shed or toolbox
  • Tables

Some boroughs also offer raised bins so that people with reduced mobility can more easily tend a garden.

In most cases, participants elect a committee that oversees garden operations from the beginning to the end of the season.

Collective gardens

In this type of garden, everyone gardens together. Harvests are shared among everyone who works in the garden. 

Some boroughs make this type of site available to residents.

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