A Pesticide-free lawn and garden

Last updated June 28, 2024
Reading time: 2 min

The sale and use of certain pesticides is now banned in Montreal. Discover the key ecological gardening methods for maintaining your lawn, garden and vegetable patch without using pesticides.

A beautiful lawn without chemical agents

Most insecticides and herbicides used on plants do not work very well. If you want to get rid of  insects, weeds, diseases, etc, alternatives are a much better choice. There are many methods you can use to feed and maintain your lawn without using pesticides.

For good results, start by making sure that your lawn has the right environment and growing conditions adapted to the grass variety. Then, each season, you must take steps to promote growth: Raking, seeding, fertilizing and mowing the lawn at the right time to make it thicker and keep it healthy. Find out how to make your lawn beautiful and lush without using pesticides by reading the Espace pour la vie Guide to Organic Lawn Care.

Green tips for flower beds and vegetable gardens

The right plants in the right place

Did you know that adding perennials and bulbs to your beautiful rose garden will help protect it from insect pests and invasive weeds? Take a close look at your green space. Protect it from invasive plants, insects and diseases by putting the right plant in the right place in your flower beds and vegetable garden. For example, if some of your plants grow best in the shade, do not plant them in a spot exposed to direct sunlight.

Here are a tips for promoting plant growth:

  • Watch for the first signs of pests, disease or poor growing conditions.
  • Rotate crops in the garden to prevent disease and soil depletion.
  • Choose complementary plants: Some plants release substances that repel insects, while others, which bloom all season long, attract beneficial insects like pollinators.
  • Spread compost and natural fertilizers to balance the soil and feed the plants. 
  • Use organic mulch between plants to prevent weeds from growing.

Want to know more? Check out the section on Pesticide Free Gardening in the Green Pages.

Integrated pest management: An approach that works

Integrated pest management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly method that focuses on prevention, either through the detection of pests or through maintenance practices that promote good plant health. It involves preventive action and proper planning, design, and maintenance of green spaces. The goal is to use pesticides only as a last resort.

This approach mainly involves: 

  • Identifying the main enemies of the lawn, garden and vegetable patch and recognizing beneficial insects.
  • Evaluating soil conditions and selecting plants adapted to the environment.
  • Monitoring crop pests so that you can take action at the right time.
  • Using mechanical (spraying water at infested areas, setting traps or baits, etc.), biological (changing landscapes to attract natural enemies) or chemical (spraying pesticides only as a last resort) preventive control methods to sustainably reduce pest populations.
  • Assessing the benefits and effectiveness of actions so that you can better plan for the next season and refine your technique.

To see how integrated pest management is put into practice, read the Espace pour la vie Green Pages.

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