
Last updated July 2, 2024

What are the risks associated with an earthquake in Montréal? How does Montréal help citizens be ready for an earthquake? Find out what you need to know about how earthquakes are managed.

Risk zone and impact

Montréal is in one of Québec’s 3 highest earthquake risk zones. The western Québec seismic zone includes the Ottawa Valley from Montréal to the Témiscamingue region, as well as the Laurentians and eastern Ontario. Potential impacts include landslides, damage to buildings, bridges and roads, power shortages, water main breaks and industrial accidents.

La Grande Secousse du Québec

Every year, Montréal invites the population to participate in a province-wide awareness-raising event known asLa Grande Secousse du Québec. The Great ShakeOut tells you how to protect yourself during an earthquake and how to recover once it’s over.

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