Air Quality in Montréal: 2022 Report Card

Last updated June 15, 2023
Reading time: 1 min

Discover highlights from the 2022 environmental report on air quality in Montréal.

The report shows:

  • A reduction of the number of days where smog was observed. Result: Four days of smog 2022, which represents a reduction of three days as compared with  2021. Info-Smog
  • An increase in the number of days with poor air quality primarily caused by fine particles . Result: 33 days in 2022 as compared with 27 in 2021. Despite the slight increase over this period, the yearly average of fine particle concentrations has decreased over the past several years. 
  • Air quality in the east is not of poorer quality than elsewhere in the agglomeration. 
  • Reviewing the data for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene from 2010 to 2022 showed a major reduction of these components in the air in eastern Montréal.

Regulation of wood-burning appliances

Combustion from wood heating constitutes the second largest source of fine particle emissions in the air. Since regulations on the use of wood-burning appliances were implemented, a decrease in air pollution has been observed.

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