Development vision for Assomption Sud-Longue-Pointe

Last updated February 26, 2025
Reading time: 1 min

The vision for the Assomption Sud-Longue-Pointe sector is to improve the population’s quality of life by creating large-scale green spaces and reducing the impact of industrial activities.

The Assomption Sud-Longue-Pointe sector will be redeveloped based on five principles:

  • Reduce nuisances and ensure environmentally-friendly land management
  • Encourage sustainable mobility by developing active and public transportation
  • Acquire and develop a network of interconnected green spaces, namely by creating a linear park linking the Vimont and Steinberg woodlands
  • Encourage the involvement of the general public and stakeholders from the private, public and institutional sectors
  • Assist existing companies in the sector to ensure that they operate in a way that is respectful of the quality of life of the population and meets the highest environmental standards.

The target sector

The Assomption Sud-Longue-Pointe sector is bounded by Avenue Souligny, the Port of Montréal facilities, the Longue-Pointe marshalling yard and Autoroute 25. It includes the Guybourg and Haig-Beauclerk residential districts, industrial parks, the Longue-Pointe military base, and a commercial port zone. The sector covers an area that is 3 km long by 1 km wide within Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve.

Projects under development

The vision includes the Assomption-Souligny project, as well as the development of three other sector-based projects:

  • The Coulée verte greenway, which involves creating a green corridor in the Longue-Pointe brownfield site right-of-way, connecting the Steinberg woodland to the north and the Vimont woodland to the south.
  • The development of a bike path, greening measures and traffic mitigation on Rue Hochelaga
  • Redevelopment of the Dickson route between Rue Hochelaga and Notre-Dame to promote greening and active mobility.

March 26, 2024 information meeting

Watch the recording

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