Pointe-de-l'Île industrial sector: Building on revitalization of east Montréal

Last updated August 28, 2023
Reading time: 3 min

Find out how the industrial sector of Pointe-de-l’Île can meet your business needs with abundant space, easy access to the highway network and the Port of Montréal, a nearby workforce and living environments, major projects and a mobilized community.

The revitalization of eastern Montréal (the area east of Boulevard Pie-IX) is a priority for all levels of government.

The Pointe-de-l’Île sector occupies about a quarter of this area. This area, which has long been associated with refineries and heavy industry, is in the midst of a profound transformation.

All the conditions are right to attract investments and talent and make the sector a modern, attractive and sustainable employment hub.

Biggest strengths of the sector

An advantageous geographical location

The Pointe-de-l’Île sector includes Anjou and Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles (RDP-PAT) as well as neighbouring municipality Montréal-Est.

It enjoys a strategic location that allows quick access to highways 20, 25 and 40 and to port and rail infrastructures. This location offers complete intermodality for transportation of goods, both to domestic markets and for import and export.

Large talent pool and attractive living environments

Companies that locate in the Pointe-de-l’Île sector have access to a substantial talent pool. The eastern part of the island has some 535,600 residents, or 26 per cent of the Montréal population. It offers an appreciable quality of life, thanks in particular to its green spaces, its proximity to the St. Lawrence River and the Rivière des Prairies as well as the friendliness of its neighbourhoods. As well, housing remains relatively affordable.

Growth-generating projects in eastern Montréal

Several major projects that are underway in eastern Montréal are also expected to make the area even more attractive. These projects include: 

  • Extension of the blue metro line to Anjou
  • Creating a growth-generating public transportation system (a project to connect locales in the eastern Montréal area)
  • Development and redevelopment of major roads
  • Preservation of natural environments and creation of a green corridor (Pôle nature de l’Est)

In addition, in the spring of 2023, the Québec government launched a call for projects (in French) totalling $23 million over three years to promote the attractiveness and vitality of the eastern part of the city by improving its living environments.

Abundant industrial spaces

With more than 40 million square feet of land that can be developed, the Pointe-de-l’Île sector is one of the last major industrial sectors on the island of Montréal. There are currently more than 1,500 companies and 35,000 jobs in the area.

A welcoming environment for innovation and ecological transition

The Pointe-de-l’Île sector’s business ecosystem is conducive to new industrial clusters that focus on ecological transition and innovation. These might include clean technologies, bio-food, urban agriculture, transportation, smart logistics and sustainable mobility.

The area also includes several sectors that offer opportunities for synergy, consolidation and development, such as manufacturing, metalwork, extraction, polyester, plastic, furniture, printing, food distribution, energy and agri-food.

Support for industrial projects

Subsidies to rehabilitate contaminated land

In partnership with the government of Québec, the city has a $100 million subsidy program that covers 90 per cent of the costs of soil rehabilitation. This program is offered exclusively in two key areas of eastern Montréal, including the Pointe-de-l’Île sector.

Best practices

To support innovative industrial projects of high architectural and design quality, the city recommends 84 best practices for the redevelopment of industrial zones in transition, including the Pointe-de-l’Île sector. See the city’s French-language publication that sets out these best practices, titled “Cahiers des bonnes pratiques pour la qualité en design et en architecture des projets industriels montréalais” (in French).

A shared vision for development

In 2018, the government of Québec and the city signed a declaration to revitalize eastern Montréal (in French), in which they made a collaborative commitment to revitalizing this area, with its strong development potential.

The Pointe-de-l’Île sector is at the centre of this major project that mobilizes government, municipal and community stakeholders. It was the subject of a public consultation process (in French) around a mobilizing vision focusing on quality of life, innovation, mobility, ecological transition and partnership. This vision has received strong support from both the population and stakeholders.

A 2050 vision plan for the sector, which targets best practices in urban planning, sustainable mobility and climate resilience, was the result of these initiatives. Here are the five areas of action that will be prioritized in the short and medium term:

  1. Redesign the urban structure
  2. Consolidate natural environments
  3. Support the development ofpublic transportation
  4. Accelerate circular economy
  5. Optimize economic growth by promoting the ecological transition

Resources for networking and developing your business projects

Do you have a project in mind for the Pointe-de-l’Île industrial sector? Are you looking for a space to set up your business? Have questions about planning by-laws or grant programs? Here are some resources for you.

If you do not find answers to your questions, we will be happy to guide you. Just contact us.

Chambre de commerce de l’Est de Montréal (in French)

Chambre de commerce de la Pointe-de-l’Île (in French)

Association industrielle de l’Est de Montréal (in French)

Association des commerçants et professionnels du Vieux-Pointe-aux-Trembles (in French)

Association des gens d’affaires de Rivière-des-Prairies (in French)