Bike lanes: upcoming project in 2024

Last updated July 19, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

Do you travel by bike and would like to know the future developments planned by by the city? Find out more about the different upcoming projects and the map showing them all.

Nearly 17 kilometers will be added to the network in 2024 and about 17 kilometers will be improved during maintenance work.

Major projects

The Express Bike Network (EBN):

Other bike paths:


Why design bike lanes?

  • To ensure safe and harmonious cohabitation between motorists, cyclists and pedestrians
  • To encourage acttive mobility and environmentally-friendly travel
  • To ease traffic congestion
  • To participate in the Vision Zero approach, which aims to eliminiate serious or fatal collisions in the metropolis by 2040

2 work categories

Marking and signage works

The marking of bicycle lines and pictograms on the roadway clearly defines the bike lanes. Signage and physical elements such as bollards are sometimes added to delimit the sharing of space. This work can be completed quickly: from a few days to a few weeks.

Landscaping work

These larger-scale projects, for example the construction of bike paths delimited by concrete curbs, are usually combined with other sites, such as the reconstruction of drinking water and sewer lines or the redesign of a street.