Call for applications: Curators in residence at the city’s Maisons de la culture

Last updated April 29, 2024
Reading time: 3 min

Are you interested in working with the city’s arts centres as a curator? Several opportunities are available for arts curators and artists from the city’s diverse ethnocultural communities and racialized groups.

Description of the mandate 

Montréal Maisons de la culture seek to collaborate with performing arts and visual arts curators who belong to one of the city’s diverse ethnocultural or racialized* groups. The objective is to foster intercultural dialogue, introduce new practices, innovate, and develop more inclusive programming approaches.

Each curator will work with the team at one Maison de la culture for at least one year (between September 2024 and May 2026). They will work closely with the cultural agent to create one or more specific artistic projects for the arts centre.

Steps in the process

The specific mandate will be established through a multi-step co-creation process:

1. Familiarization with the operations of the Maison de la culture:  

  • Meeting with the teams to gain a thorough understanding of the cultural dissemination and mediation

2. Definition and implementation of the artistic project in collaboration with the cultural agent. This could take several forms, for example:   

  • Reaching out to specific artistic communities to create connections, and encourage and provide opportunities for dissemination
  • Suggesting and participating in the development of performances, exhibitions, mediation activities, events and series
  • Organizing and participating in roundtables and conferences
  • Creating textual content for series, exhibitions and performances
  • Developing appreciation tools to enhance audience experience for certain performances 
  • Creating opportunities to develop new audiences

The Maison de la culture team will coordinate events, logistics, technical guidance and communications. The focus of the curator’s work will be on relations with the artists and partners involved.  

3. Documentation of projects and activities

4. Evaluation of the process and formulation of recommendations upon completion of the mandate

5. Possible publication of the curator’s work 

Applicable period 

The mandates must be carried out from early September 2024 to May 2026.


The remuneration rate is $42 an hour (QST and GST included) for a total of between 375 and 425 hours. The curator and cultural agent will jointly discuss the management of work hours.

Eligibility criteria

Candidates must:

  • Be able to communicate and work in French 
  • Have relevant experience in implementing creation, dissemination or cultural mediation projects 
  • Demonstrate significant involvement in and commitment to the artistic community
  • Be familiar with the local artistic and cultural milieu and be sensitive to the environment, mission and reality of the Maisons de la culture
  • Have experience in cultural dissemination or cultural mediation
  • Live or work in Montréal
  • Demonstrate a real interest in cultural accessibility, participation and cultural mediation, as well as the development of diversified audiences
  • Be available to regularly attend in-person working meetings with cultural agents
  • Demonstrate communication, writing and coordination skills

Submit your application

Submit your application by email to the following address by June 4, 2024: [email protected].

Applications will be reviewed in June 2024. Candidates will receive a reply in early July 2024.

Required documents

The following documents must be included with your application, in a single PDF file, and in the following order:

  • Letter of intent describing your interest in carrying out this project at the Maisons de la culture and demonstrating an interest in their mission (2 pages maximum)
  • Curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum)
  • Media kit including several completed projects (5 pages maximum)

For more details, contact us by email at: [email protected].

Each year, Montréal’s Maisons de la culture present close to 3,000 shows, exhibitions and screenings to an audience of 700,000. Across the city’s 19 boroughs, the centres make the arts accessible to Montrealers of all ages, conditions and backgrounds, and they promote public participation in the cultural life.

Read the 2022-203 development vision for the Maisons de la culture (in French):

* As a result of the publication of the Office de consultation publique de Montréal’s report on systemic racism and discrimination, the term “racialized person” was adopted to refer to minority groups with respect to a white/Caucasian majority with regard to cultural, linguistic, social or religious aspects. The term was used in this call for applications in order to respond to recommendations addressing the reduction of underrepresentation of racialized artists in Montréal’s cultural opportunities.