Conditions of use of the online tax account balance

Last updated June 30, 2024
Reading time: 2 min

Do you own a building in Montréal? The following conditions of use apply to viewing your online municipal tax account balance.

If you own a property in Montréal, you can view your tax account balance online. 


The digital service does not apply in the following cases:

  • The city has initiated legal proceedings against the building owner.
  • The property is a government building.
  • The building owner goes bankrupt.
  • No bill is issued for the building.

Accuracy of data

The statement of account does not necessarily reflect payments made, online, by cheque or in person, in recent days. A period of two weeks may be required before the payments in question are taken into account.

Availability of the service

The digital service is accessible at all times, 24 tous a day, except when maintenance work is being carried out.

Processing time

It usually takes just a few minutes to get your tax account balance. However, in the event of technical issues, it can take up to one hour.

You will receive an e-mail when your tax account balance is available to be viewed online. 

Security of the account

For security purposes, an incorrect account number or access code entered three times will result in the account being blocked for  24 hours.

General conditions of use

The internal financial system contains the most recent data. If there are differences between this system and the online service, the data in the internal system will take precedence.

The balance provided by the online service does not reflect payment agreements made with financial services agents. For example, monthly payments stemming from such an agreement that have not yet been made are not displayed.

The statement of account shows post-dated cheques received, but not online payments programmed in advance and not yet made.

The statement of account shows bills related to duties on transfers of immovables and property taxes. Balances on other bills, such as water tax billed to the occupant and Société de développement commercial contributions, are not displayed.

If your account is unavailable, or if you have questions about your tax account balance, write to us: [email protected].