Construction at the Rue Rhéaume pumping station: Status and impacts

Last updated October 17, 2022
Reading time: 1 min

Work at the Rue Rhéaume pumping station could affect your daily life. Here’s what you need to know on what’s new with the project and the solutions put in place by the city to minimize the impacts.

Work in progress

Retrouvez ici les dernières nouvelles du chantier et ce que fait  la Ville pour atténuer l’impact de celui-ci.

Travaux en cours

The work was planned in phases so as to minimize the impact on activities in Parc Arthur-Therrien, particularly the use of the baseball fields. Phase 1 is now complete.

  • Phase 2 - fall 2020 to spring 2021: work in the park; two of the three baseball fields in Parc Arthur-Therrien will be closed
  • Phase 3 - October 2022 to July 2023: finishes, deficiency corrections, system startup and testing


Work Schedule

Monday to Friday, between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.

No work on Saturday and Sunday except as mentioned above.

Impacts et mesures d'atténuation

Getting around during the project

  • Construction site trailers will be installed near the pumping station, on city land. In addition, a small part of the park will be used by the contractor for storage and parking.
  • There will be some closures of sidewalks and bicycle paths; initially, the bike path along Boulevard Gaétan-Laberge and the pedestrian path will be closed.
  • Access to buildings will be maintained at all times.
  • No parking places will be removed on Boulevard Gaétan-Laberge.
  • Parking at the Therrien chalet will remain accessible.

For more information on project progress and possible impacts on your movements, check out the Info-Travaux map.

Noise pollution

Noise due to construction equipment is to be expected. There will be more intense noise at the beginning of the project when driving piles.

Work in Progress Notices

View the most recent notices to residents.