Cultural programming and shows at L'Entrepôt in Lachine
For the 2024-2025, here is the programming of the Arrondissement de Lachine.
Whether at low cost or free, the cultural programming offered to the people of Lachine presents several spheres of the arts. For L’Entrepôt shows, a 15% discount is offered on the purchase of tickets for four shows. Have a great time in our facilities!
Sing at L'Entrepôt

A number of artists will be taking to the stage at our Maison de la Culture. Folk, rock, new western, classical, etc. Will you join us there?
Check out our program of musical performances.
Laugh at L'Entrepôt

Experienced and up-and-coming comedians will be in Lachine this year.
Find out about our line-up of entertainment for 2024-2025.
Fill your head with wonder at L'Entrepôt's theatre

In a 5@7 or traditional format, we invite you to several evenings that will make you think, laugh or simply have fun.
Find out more about our plays.
Check out the shows for young audiences at L'Entrepôt

Movie, magic, theatre, music and many other arts are presented to amaze families.
Take your pick from our shows for young audiences.
See movies at bargain prices

The Ciné-club de l’Entrepôt offers a selection of recent movies. Projections take place on Monday evenings.
Look out for the programming.
Explore several free exhibitions

A number of temporary exhibitions are presented at L’Entrepôt. Admission is free. The hall is open:
- Fridays, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
- Saturdays & Sundays, noon - 5 p.m.
- On show evenings
Go out in our librairies

The bibliothèque Saul-Bellow et la bibliothèque de Saint-Pierre are stimulating living environments that offers many activities for adults and yougnsters. And it’s free!
Expand your knowledge at the Musée de Lachine

Although its buildings are closed to prepare for construction work, the Museum offers activities in several locations in Lachine, including a podcast on the history of Maison Le Ber-Le Moyne.
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