Spring Flooding - Pierrefonds-Roxboro

Last updated June 4, 2024
Reading time: 3 min

Everything you need to know about preparation and the situation in the borough of Pierrefonds-Roxboro during spring flooding. In the event of flooding, be prepared!

Each spring, our Borough services mobilize to prepare preventively in the event of flooding.

Current situation: normal mode

Un pictogramme vert d'une maison avec une vague.
The situation is currently stable and the levels are normal.

Mitigation measures and field interventions

The Borough is equipped with a great variety of protective measures to improve its material resources and optimize interventions on the territory. Rest assured that our human resources and all of our mitigation systems will be deployed in the vulnerable sectors targeted, if needed, such as: pumps, muscle walls, flood gates, sandbags, jerseys, and more. 

No need to call 311 or write to us. We are monitoring the situation and will make the appropriate interventions to secure the public domain depending on the situation.

Citizen's responsabilities: protect your private property and family

In an emergency or disaster situation, it is your responsibility to take the first steps to ensure your own safety and the protection of your property. Therefore, every resident must prepare for spring flooding:

  • Stay informed on a daily basis via the Borough’s communication channels
  • Check if your property is located in a flood zone
  • Consult our citizen’s guide “In cas of flooding, be ready”
  • Purchase mitigation equipment (submersible pumps, valves, sandbags, window caulking, etc.)
  • Make the required installations each Springtime for prevention purposes
  • Plan a location where you and your family can stay temporarily in case of evacuation

How do I know if I live in a flood zone area?

  1. All neighbourhoods and residences that have been flooded by the rivière des Prairies, the phreatic table, or the subsoil in 2017 or 2019 are likely to experience spring floods again. You should consider yourself in a flood-prone area and take the necessary measures to protect your belongings and property.
  2. Consult this map to find out if you live in an at-risk zone on the Urgence Québec website.

Distribution of sandbags by the borough

Depending on the stages and risks defined in our Special Response Plan, according to an order of priority, pallets of sandbags could be delivered to your home by our crews. If no pallets have been delivered to your residence, it is because the address in question does not qualify for this distribution. No need to call 311.

If your sector is identified, our public works will distribute a pallet on the limit of your property:

  • Each resident must install the delivered sandbags on its private property.
  • The priority is to protect the entrances to the property (cover doors and windows first). Do not place sandbags all around your property.

There is no systematic distribution of sandbags to anyone who wants them. You must get your own material and protect your property each spring, it’s your responsibility! The borough is responsible for protecting the public domain.

What to do in case of evacuation?

Emergency and information centre

  1. If you live in a flood-prone area, you must think about where to stay temporarily in case of flooding (family, friend, neighbour).
  2. Should you need to evacuate in case of flooding and have no place to stay, contact your borough by composing 311.

Be ready in case of flooding: articles and tips

Consult our tips and articles to be ready in case of flooding, on the Flooding page


Here are some helpful videos that were produced by the borough of Pierrefonds-Roxboro to help you prepare accordingly in case of flooding.

Communications: get the latest updates

All spring long, and at all times, stay informed:

Is my address on the Quebec government's ZIS map?

Please refer to the Government of Quebec website to see if your property is part of the flood zones map. You must zoom in and look at the legend to see if your residence is part of the special intervention zone or if it has been removed from this zone.

Ressources utiles

Consult the levels and flows of the watercourse 

Ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec

Surveillance de la crue des eaux - niveaux et débits des plans d’eau

Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques

Prévisions hydrologiques et hydrauliques - Archipel de Montréal


Every year, Hydro-Québec experts work actively to use their network of facilities optimally to limit the impact of spring floods on the population. Find out more about Hydro-Québec’s management of spring floods.

In this video, Hydro-Québec discusses flow and reservoir management, as well as the role of its facilities in relation to flooding.