How to recognize ragweed and get rid of it

Last updated September 12, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

Is there ragweed on your property? Find out everything you need to know to get rid of it.

To help control and eliminate ragweed, you can pull it up or cut it down in mid-July and mid-August. 

When to get rid of ragweed

It’s ideal to do this before the plant grows, and it must be done before the ragweed begins to bloom.

Before ragweed blooms:

  • Uproot or cut the stalks of ragweed plants.
  • Use mulch and improve soil quality (black soil, fertilizer) to keep ragweed from growing.
  • Seed or plant other plants that will compete with ragweed.

In most boroughs, it is recommended that you put ragweed in your household trash to keep it from spreading.

Ragweed or poison ivy?

Is that plant in your backyard ragweed or poison ivy?

If it’s poison ivy, you don’t want to touch it. When skin comes into contact with poison ivy sap, a painful allergic reaction may occur.

Make sure you can tell them apart

Report the presence of ragweeed

If you see ragweed on public property, you have an obligation to report it.