Prix du livre jeunesse: 2024 edition
Find out which children’s book was the winner and which books made the list of finalists in the 2024 edition of the Prix du livre jeunesse, presented by the city’s libraries.
Books selected by librarians
Each year, a jury of librarians from the youth section of Montréal libraries selects 5 finalist books that stand out because of their relevance and originality. From these finalists, a winning title is chosen.
The winning book
Le dessin trop mignon, by Roxane Brouillard (text) and Cathon (illustrations), éditions Fonfon

Jury comments
“This book won over the jury with its light, playful tone. Roxanne Brouillard’s totally absurd, offbeat story is brilliantly illustrated by Cathon. The bright, vivid colours, expressive characters and attention to detail combine harmoniously to create an outstanding reading experience. This remarkable work is sure to make readers of all ages laugh until they cry. A true literary gem that will find a special place in the hearts of all those lucky enough to read it.”
Reserve the book (in French)
Photo credit (Cathon): Hamza-Abouelouafaa
Finalists books
Le manoir Hillcrest, by Sandra Dussault (text) and Martin Côté (illustrations), éditions La courte échelle

Jury comments
“An isolated manor house, 2 young boys raised by their cold, stern parents, monsters roaming around outside the manor at night… And the youngest is constantly asking himself: What are these “events” that took place before he was born and are now preventing the family from leaving their home? Martin Côté’s layout plunges us into horror, while Sandra Dussault’s well-crafted mystery promises will send shivers down your spine. A novel to read at night (or not)!”
Reserve the book (in French)
Photo credit: Annie Simard (Sandra Dussault) and Chantale Lecours (Martin Côté)
Nutshimit: Un bain de forêt, by Melissa Mollen Dupuis (text) and Élise Gravel (illustrations), éditions Scholastic

Jury comments
“This nature-themed non-fiction book is fleshed-out, accessible, gentle, positive and fun. The text is smooth and packed with detail, allowing you to immerse yourself in the book in bits and pieces, or in its entirety, over and over again. Innu author Melissa Mollen Dupuis and illustrator Élise Gravel’s cross-disciplinary view of nature creates a magnificent bridge to immerse yourself in the culture of Aboriginal peoples.”
Reserve the book (in French)
Je t'écris de mon lit, by Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve (text) and Agathe Bray-Bourret (illustrations), éditions Les 400 coups

Jury comments
“This magnificent epistolary book moved us. The words are spot-on and perfectly chosen by the author. The letters exchanged by Jacob and Zia express the concerns of elementary school children, in all their universality, and at the same time in their exceptionality due to the young boy’s illness. Agathe Bray-Bourret’s beautiful illustrations complement the text perfectly, and it’s a pleasure to look for the details of the last letter exchanged. A luminous, moving book that celebrates childhood and friendship.”
Reserve the book (in French)
Photo credit: Antoine Raymond (Maude Nepveu-Villeneuve) and Rodolfo Moraga (Agathe Bray-Bourret)
Le tiroir des bas tout seuls, by Orbie (text and illustrations), éditions Les 400 coups

Jury comments
“This book by author and illustrator Orbie charmed us with its humuor, lightness and cheerfulness. What a great idea to write a story about the mystery of lost socks, a strange phenomenon known to all. The various zany and original theories that arise from Madeleine and Louis’ investigation spark laughter and smiles. A simple, effective text accompanied by superb illustrations filled with colourful details that make you want to read it again and again…just for the fun of it.”
Reserve the book (in French)
Photo credits: Pascale Faubert
Finalist titles and the winning books from every edition are available at your local library or digitally. Reserve your copy today.
The members of the jury for the Prix du livre jeunesse 2024, presented by the Montréal libraries, are:
- Émilie Chastel, children’s librarian, Bibliothèque Interculturelle
- Kathryne Duguay, children’s librarian, Bibliothèque Frontenac
- Chantal Gagné, children’s librarian, Bibliothèque L’Octogone
- Julie Sélesse-Desjardins, children’s librarian, Bibliothèque Robert-Bourassa
- Marie Simard, children’s librarian, Bibliothèque du Vieux Saint-Laurent
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