Reduce our collective footprint to promote the ecological transition

Last updated December 10, 2020
Reading time: 2 min

Montréal is committed to becoming a carbon-neutral city by 2050. Achieving the ecological transition will require that we all make an effort. The active participation of the city, businesses and residents will be key to reducing our carbon footprint.

A collective effort 

On September 27, 2019, some 500,000 people took to the streets of Montréal to sound the alarm about the climate emergency and demand concrete actions that reduce our carbon footprint.

It is not too late to act. The next 10 years will be crucial. Montréal’s municipal administration is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 55 per cent between now and 2030 and to becoming carbon-neutral by 2050.

In order to meet this objective, the city has adopted the Climate Plan 2020-2030, which covers the following areas of action:

  • Improved mobility
  • Sustainable development of streets and green spaces
  • Waste and food waste reduction
  • The reduction of fossil fuels in buildings

The city will implement actions designed to rise to the challenges posed by the ecological transition. To achieve success, all levels of government, businesses, institutions and residents must take concrete actions. Together, we can do this!

How to reduce our environmental footprint

Let’s adopt initiatives that allow us to act effectively in the fight against climate change.

Greening our surroundings

Each tree planted in Montréal absorbs CO2 over the course of its lifetime, in addition to exerting a cooling effect in summer by providing shade and releasing water. Trees also absorb rainwater and improve air quality. Planting trees and greening our neighbourhoods is both good for the climate and for our health! Discover how, by working together, we can do our part to make Montréal a greener city.

Improved transit

Road transportation accounts for 30 per cent of GHG emissions in Montréal. We must adopt more sustainable modes of transportation. Electric vehicles, public transit, car-pooling, cycling and walking are all ways of reducing the impact of road transportation. Discover how we can act to achieve more sustainable mobility in Montréal.

Reduce the use of fossil fuels in buildings

Buildings are the second largest source of GHG emissions in Montréal, after transportation. There are several ways to reduce the carbon footprint of Montréal’s housing stock, from using energy-efficient heating to improving insulation in buildings.

Learn about the actions we can take to improve the energy efficiency of buildings.

Reduce food waste

If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter of GHGs. In order to become a carbon-neutral city, Montréal has made a commitment to reduce food waste by half between now and 2025. To meet this objective, each of us has a part to play. Learn about concrete actions we can take to reduce food waste.