Climate change
Fighting climate change is one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. To address this challenge, the city must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions considerably and become carbon-neutral over the next 24 years. This is a collective effort in which everyone must participate, including companies, organizations, governments and citizens.
Impacts on climate change
The impacts of climate change are apparent all over the world. In Montréal, heat waves and flooding are two very real consequences of climate change.
According to the international scientific community, the rise of global warming must be limited to 1.5 °C to avoid the worst impacts. Our choices and actions in the coming years will be crucial.
Our commitments for the climate
Our objective is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 55 per cent between now and 2030, and to become a carbon-neutral city in 2050.
How will we meet this objective?
We’ve created a climate plan, with 46 measures around transportation, street and green space development, reducing garbage/food waste and energy-efficient buildings.
The ecological transition is a collective effort. The city has made a commitment to tangible actions. Residents and companies; You can also do your part.
Every action counts. Choosing active transportation, reducing food waste, planting trees, properly insulating your home and using an electrical heating system are some of the actions that have a big impact.
Learn more about the topic
Tips and articles
- Avenue Papineau: Green infrastructure to optimize water management
- By-law concerning GHG emission disclosures and ratings of large buildings
- Climate test to help fight climate change
- COP15: Initiatives to Preserve Biodiversity in LaSalle
- Eco-friendly parking lot: A successful project at Aréna Rodrigue-Gilbert
- Ecological Transition and Resilience
- Favouring sustainable mobility in Montréal
- Greening Montréal to adapt to climate change
- How to reduce food waste
- Infrastructures and developments designed to capture and absorb heavy rainfall
- Measures to cope with heavy rains and mitigate floods
- Montréal 2030: A First Strategic Plan
- Montréal Climate Plan: Objective carbon-neutral by 2050
- Plastic bags: What you need to know about legislation
- Pollinator protection plan: 2022-2027 objective
- Preserving biodiversity: a collective approach
- Protecting your building from heavy rains
- Reduce our collective footprint to promote the ecological transition
- Reducing the use of fossil fuels: A bonus for your buildings
- Single-use plastic: What you need to know about legislation
- Sustainable Montréal 2016-2020
- Switch from fossil fuels to electricity, a greener solution
- The circular economy: Combining prosperity and ecological transition
- The Nature and Sports Plan: Integrating nature into the city
- Tips and tricks to reduce your consumption of plastics
- Tips to follow during a heat wave
- Transportation Electrification Strategy 2021-2023: Toward Sustainable Mobility
- Tricks and tips for practicing responsible consumption
- Urban Agriculture Strategy: Adapting to climate change
- Water consumption: Best practices for reducing waste
- Ways to reduce your environmental footprint
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