Rehabilitation work: Extending the lives of drinking water and sewer lines

Last updated July 22, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

Find out about refurbishment techniques for water and sewer pipes that can extend their service life by several decades.

What technique is used?

Pipe lining is the technique used to repair old and damaged drinking water and sewer lines. The interventions of a few days, will be done according to a sequence planned over several weeks. After each intervention, signs and obstacles will be removed.

  1. The line is cleaned and prepared by passing through existing access points such as sewer drains and utility holes.
  2. The sleeve, which is usually made of polyester, is launched into the line using air or water under pressure so that the sleeve will adhere perfectly to the walls.
  3. The sleeve is then warmed and hardened using warm water, steam or ultraviolet light. Since it is soaked in resin, a sticky and adhesive substance, this process solidifies it, making it very resistant.

What are the advantages of the pipe lining technique (also known as sheathing)?

The City has chosen to use the technique of rehabilitation by pipe lining because:

  • It is less invasive since it is not necessary to completely excavate the road.
  • The site is smaller, which considerably reduces the impact on traffic and minimizes the use of heavy machinery.
  • It reduces the impact of the rehabilitation work site on local residents and motorists.
  • It reduces the risk of pavement subsidence.
  • Sewer lining work can be done throughout the year.

Since 2010, around 300 km of water pipes and 500 km of sewage pipes have been rehabilitated. This is equivalent of the Montréal-Québec distance (280 km) and Montréal-Toronto distance (536 km). Annually, it is an average of 20 to 25 km of drinking water pipes and 40 to 45 km of sewage pipes that are rehabilitated.

Our specialists explain how it’s done

Sewer pipe

Repairing a sewer pipe usually takes place over a short 4 to 6-week period.

Hakim Atek, engineer at the Service des infrastructures, explains more in this video (in French).

Water pipe (water main)

Refurbishing a water main takes about 6 to 10 weeks.

Basma Salamé, engineer at the Service des infrastructures, gives you the details in these pictures (in French).