Reinventing Montréal 2020-2021: Presentation of the winning project

Last updated June 30, 2024
Reading time: 1 min

Discover the runner-up and winning projects to revitalize the site at 4000 Rue Saint-Patrick in the Sud-Ouest under the Reinventing Montréal 2020-2021 call for projects.

With Reinventing Montréal 2020-2021, the city is pursuing its green transition goal by giving a new vocation to an industrial site of some 28,000 m2. Following an international call for projects launched in 2020, two finalist teams each presented a project blending together respect for the environment, jobs, economic development, and community and cultural activities.

The selected projects

The winner: Les ateliers Cabots

Sid Lee Architecture’s winning submission proposed a circular economy community project with an artistic, entrepreneurial and technological focus. It is non-profit and partly socio-financed.

Team representative: Sid Lee Architecture inc. (Montréal)
Environmental expert(s) and engeeniering: ARUP Canada inc.
Architect: Sid Lee Architecture inc.
Urban design : Gehl Studio inc (design urbain, New York)
Landscape architecture and biodiversity: Rousseau Lefebvre
Energy efficiency: Consultants Akonovia
Others (community-based promoter): Ateliers Créatifs Montréal, Collectif Récolte, La maison du développement durable
Interested investor: Fondaction
CleanTech investor: Inerjys Ventures inc.

The finalist: Transitions

Finalist Gestion immobilière Quo Vadis proposed developing a shared eco-responsible space, including rooftop farms, a forest, and the transformation of the main building into a place for study and reflection.

Team representative: Gestion immobilière Quo Vadis inc. (Montréal)
Architect: KANVA Architecture (Montréal), Ferrier Marchetti Studio (Paris), Projet Paysage (architecture paysagère)
Engineer: Dupras Ledoux inc., L2C experts,Martin Roy et ass.
Environmental expert: Sanexen Services Environnementaux inc., Delsan a.i.m., Terragon, GHD
Promoter or investor: Gestion immobilière Quo Vadis inc., Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ, Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins

Watch the presentation of the finalist teams’ projects:

About Reinventing Montréal and Reinventing Cities

Reinventing Cities is an initiative of the C40 Cities Group, a global network of 97 major cities committed to developing and implementing policies and programs to significantly reduce greenhouse gases and climate risks.