Review of on-street parking in Saint-Laurent: Status

Last updated March 13, 2025
Reading time: 4 min

On-street parking is being revised to promote safety, improve residents’ quality of life and, lastly, make the area greener.

The strong growth of Saint-Laurent’s population on an ever-developing territory, telecommuting and the opening of five REM stations on the territory are creating new challenges.

As safe travelling is a priority for Saint-Laurent’s administration, it aims to optimize parking rules on its public property by taking these new realities into account in collaboration with the populations concerned.

The objective is to enable a high level of mobility for the entire population and to create sustainable, safe and appealing multi-modal experiences.

Three types of actions are being taken:

Enforcing the 5-metre clearance at intersections required by the Québec Highway Safety Code

By installing new signs

To improve visibility and safety at intersections

Other advantages:

  • To reduce the risks of collisions between vehicles and pedestrians
  • To provide more space for active mobility on sidewalks
  • To make it easier for people to cross the street safely

Implementation of new time slots for on-street parking

By changing the regulations governing alternative parking to increase the amount of parking allowed on both sides of the street simultaneously.

To simplify and harmonize street signage. 
To improve the efficiency of snow removal and street maintenance operations.

Other advantages:

  • To meet the needs of telecommuters
  • To make it easier and safer for people with limited mobility to get around
  • To slow down the speed of traffic
  • To improve traffic flow

Following the citizen consultation exercise carried out in the fall of 2023 in the areas surrounding certain REM stations, a system of street parking for residents only (SRRR) stickers will be implemented in areas where the majority of residents have declared themselves in favor of the initiative.

IMPORTANT: Only for the areas around certain REM stations.

By installing new signage to indicate street sections reserved for residents.

To preserve the quality of life of residents in the areas concerned.
To give them priority for on-street parking near their homes, in zones reserved exclusively for them.

For detailed consultation results, visit Citizen consultations - SRRR sticker implantation in Saint-Laurent


The entire territory will be progressively covered starting in May 2023 and the interventions should continue until 2027. Implementation will be done sector by sector.


Parking restrictions in accordance with current regulations (no parking or stopping on a curve, in front of a fire hydrant, reserved lanes, etc.) will be maintained. 

These maps are for information purposes only and may be modified without notice to reflect the reality on the ground.


Click on the button below to see the interventions that were carried out in 2024.


Click on the button below to see the interventions that were carried out in 2023.

Public Information Session - April 3, 2023

A public information session in hybrid mode was held on April 3, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the mairie de Saint-Laurent. The objective of this session was to present the interventions and answer questions from the citizens of Saint-Laurent.

Frequently asked questions

1. How will this project make the streets safer?
Street corners will be cleared for motorists and pedestrians to see and will allow for a quicker reaction time if a pedestrian or cyclist comes to the intersection.
The revised on-street parking hours will have the impact of narrowing the width of the streets and slowing down the speed of traffic.

2. Why launch this project now?
About 100 citizen requests regarding parking have been received since 2019 on parking restrictions and about 10 questions have been addressed directly to Borough Council since May 2020. So this meets a need expressed by the population. In addition, telecommuting and the upcoming arrival of five REM stations on the territory are creating new issues that need to be addressed.

3. How does this project meet the borough’s sustainable development objectives?
The optimization of parking spaces allows for better access to active and public transportation, promoting sustainable and safe mobility: improvements to Communauto’s services, more spaces for active modes of transportation, creation of mini-mobility hubs (cab, carpooling, etc.).

This new optimized management of public space is also in line with the desire of Saint-Laurent and the Ville de Montréal to encourage a greater number of people to adopt public and active transportation. 

Furthermore, when parking spaces become available, after analysis, a certain number of spaces will be converted into vegetated projections or drainage projections, promoting the greening of the territory.

4. How long will the deployment of the project last?
Starting in May 2023, until 2027 to cover the entire territory. The year 2025 will serve as a buffer period to allow the borough to analyze the impact of the first changes made and make any required adjustments.

5. How many parking spaces are removed with the 5-metre intersection clearance and why?
In reality, no parking spaces are being removed as the Quebec Highway Safety Code already requires a 5 metre clearance at street corners to improve pedestrian visibility at intersections. It will be a matter of ensuring that this restriction is respected on the territory.

6. a. Does intersection clearance apply to T-shaped intersections?
Yes, the 5-metre clearance at street corners required by the Québec Highway Safety Code also applies to T-shaped intersections. These intersections will therefore be subject to the same sign installations as the other intersections within this project. 

6. b. Does intersection clearance apply to curves?
The same 5-metre clearance standards at street corners will be applied to curves managed by a stop sign.

Parking will be prohibited on both sides from the beginning to the end of the curve for street corners without stop signs.

Prohibitions will be adapted to the specific features of the site (fire hydrants, driveways, etc.).

7. What other parking restrictions are or will be in effect?
All prohibitions under provincial standards and municipal by-laws in effect. Some examples include

  • fire hydrants
  • driveways
  • drop-offs for persons with reduced mobility
  • approaches to intersections
  • traffic lanes
  • bus stop areas
  • bicycle lanes
  • certain sections of the arterial road network
  • curves
  • reserved spaces for electric vehicles
  • reserved spaces for Communauto vehicles

8. How does Saint-Laurent plan to ensure the new restrictions are being respected?

The Agence de mobilité durable is responsible of ensuring that parking restrictions on public roads are respected in Montreal. It is informed of the on-street parking review in Saint-Laurent as the project progresses so it can optimize its operations.

9. How will the REM affect parking in Saint-Laurent?
Although the benefits of the REM are undeniable for our citizens, the implementation of this major public transit infrastructure may bring some challenges, such as congestion on certain arteries around the stations and the marauding for unrestricted parking spaces.

To limit these challenges and preserve the quality of life of our citizens, we wish to adopt an evolving, modernized and sustainable management of on-street parking.

10. Why is the borough planning to implement a sticker system around the REM stations?
Saint-Laurent wants to give priority to residents. The implementation of reserved vignette sectors for residents (SRRR) around certain REM stations was determined based on the results of the 2023 consultations. In addition, fares could be adjusted according to the actual dates of operation of the REM stations in the territory.

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