Strategy to develop 12,000 social and affordable housing units

Last updated August 10, 2022
Reading time: 2 min

In 2018, Montréal committed to develop 6,000 social and community housing units and 6,000 affordable housing units before the end of 2021. It aims to reach these objectives through programs, tools and partnerships.

This strategy is part of Montréal’s vision of an inclusive city in terms of housing. It has set the following objectives: 

  • Foster the creation and maintenance of neighbourhoods that can meet diverse housing needs 
  • Promote a balanced and quality housing offer citywide 
  • Support low-income households and those with special housing needs not met by the market

The five lines of development of the strategy

1. Funding of social and community housing

  • Support social and community-based housing projects for low-income and vulnerable households.
  • Use the fund contributing to the inclusion strategy to help develop these projects 
  • Purchase properties and land for such projects.

2. Inclusion practices

  • Continue the strategy for the inclusion of affordable housing in new residential projects.
  • Adopt the new By-law for a diverse metropolis to increase the supply of social, affordable and family housing.

3.Innovative affordable housing options

  • Support innovative housing projects for clients who are not eligible for existing programs.
  • Support partners applying for grants from federal affordable housing programs.

4. Preserve the existing private and social affordable housing stock

  • Work with various partners to maintain the older social housing stock and preserve the affordability of the existing rental units.
  • Revise renovation subsidy programs to require that housing affordability be maintained.

5. Support affordable home ownership

  • Enhance the home ownership assistance program, especially for families.
  • Continue the SHDM’s Accès Condos program.

Definitions: Housing types

Housing whose construction is subsidized by a government or municipal program, such as AccèsLogis. These units are intended for low- and moderate-income households, and for residents with special housing needs. They are implemented by cooperatives, non-profit organizations and the Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal, in collaboration with technical resource groups (TRG). All or part of these units will receive stable financial assistance to cover a portion of the rent.

Housing may or may not be affordable depending on a household’s needs and ability to pay. As a result, the term “affordable housing” can refer to a variety of situations. In Montréal, it refers to housing that is priced below the median market value. Affordable housing can be rented or owned.

Housing with at least five rooms, including three bedrooms, and sufficient indoor space for a family. These units can be rented or owned.

Our major partners

Montréal cannot carry out these actions alone. Large-scale investments and collaboration with public, institutional, private and community players are crucial. The city is counting in particular on recurrent funding from government housing programs including AccèsLogis, the Rent Supplement program and the Rapid Housing Initiative.

  • Government of Canada, through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation 
  • Gouvernement du Québec, through the Société d’habitation du Québec (SHQ) 
  • Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), through the Fonds du logement social métropolitain