Birds of prey animation


Are you fascinated by birds of prey? Come and learn more about these majestic birds during a 30-minute animation on how they fly, hunt and breed.


The presenter will be accompanied by several birds of prey, and a free flight will take place. After the show, you can ask any questions you may have at the information booth. 

Meeting point is in the farm area.

Cost: free for all, paid parking.

Important : Bikes and dogs are not allowed for this event. Do not bring food, wheeled objects (strollers, carts, bicycles, etc.), balloons, umbrellas, yellow objects (that may look like a chick). If these objects are present, they must be moved out of the bird’s sight.

A free shuttle service from downtown (Gare d’autocars) is available to take you to the nature park. Reserve your place with Navette Nature from August 1.


9432, boulevard Gouin Ouest
Montréal, QC H8Y 1T4
