Mr. Gazon - À fleur de ville
Introducing M.Gazon! This theatrical-circus-clown show is as green as it’s ever been in a setting where the sun and sheer joy light up the lawn! Children ages 4+ are sure to love it!
M.Gazon, a prisoner of a routine and boring existence has his life turned upside-down by a strange aura that awakens an exciting energy within him.
Suddenly, the strange aura completely overcomes him, bringing out the bubbly spirit that lay dormant deep inside. These dazzling demonstrations of greenery call forth a vivacious and hilarious M. Gazon right before our eyes.
David Fiset, renowned for his quirky characters, plays this role with brio. His clown game, mastered to perfection, creates a fun and magical universe.
With: David Fiset
Mr Gazon - David Fiset - Teaser officiel
H8Y 3T4
Montréal, QC H8Y 3T4
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