Apply for financial support for a social development project

Last updated July 20, 2021

Do you work for a non-profit organization and want to apply for financial support for a social development project? Do you want to find out about current calls for projects or follow up on an existing application? Here’s how to do it.

You will need to log into the online grant management and follow-up system (GSS) and follow the steps.


1 - Create an account

Log into the online form (GSS tool) and create an account for your organization. You only need to fill out this profile once. The information will be used for all requests for financial support from your organization.

You will need the following documents:

  • Letters patent of the organization
  • Declaration for the current year to the Registraire des entreprises du Québec
  • Your organization’s latest annual activity report and audited financial statements
  • Liability insurance policy

2 - Choose a call for projects

You must identify the call for projects you are responding to. It may be open or invitational. Make sure that the call for projects has not expired.

3 - Document the project

Provide the following detailed information about your project:

  • Project summary
  • Impacts, outcomes and activities
  • Location of the project
  • Priority actions
  • Target populations
  • Gender-based analysis (GBA+) 
  • Partners and budget

4 - Sign and submit the application

The last step of the application process is to submit your signed project proposal, along with the required documents.

The following documents are required:

  • Complementary sheet (additional information needed to analyze the project)
  • Detailed project budget
  • Any other relevant documents, including letters of support from project partners
  • Resolution of your board designating the person authorized to sign the agreement
  • Report on the previous edition of the project, if applicable

5 - Track the analysis of the application

During the analysis of your project, additional documents or information may be requested. If necessary, you will receive an email inviting you to answer the questions in the form.

6 - Create a progress report or a final report

Once your project is accepted, you will be required to submit one or more progress reports and a final report.

Conseils pour naviguer dans le GSS - Diversité sociale

Des vidéos sur l’utilisation de la plateforme GSS - Diversité sociale sont à votre disposition. Elles  vous accompagnent de la création d’un compte pour votre organisme à la soumission du rapport final. 

Visionnez-les ici!

Vous avez des questions techniques concernant la plateforme GSS?

Écrivez-nous en précisant les informations suivantes :

  • Votre nom 
  • Le courriel avec lequel vous vous connectez au formulaire
  • Votre question / commentaire / problème
  • Les coordonnées pour vous joindre


Vous trouverez deux outils pour vous aider à compléter votre demande :

- Section 4 - impacts, résultats, activités : un outil pour vous aider à structurer vos réponses avant de compléter le document du même nom dans le GSS.

- ADS : un guide pour intégrer l’analyse différenciée selon les sexes dans une approche intersectionnelle dès la planification d’un projet. Ce guide contient des questions pour alimenter vos réflexions et des exemples de gestes concrets.


Submit your application